This week in Iowa organizing…

The only time we lose is when we stop fighting.

That was one of many takeaways from Hugh Espey's retirement party held at the CCI office on Friday night. It was humbling and energizing to be in a room of nearly 100 CCI members, allies, and organizers from decades ago to the present.

Our work is based in relationships and love. But that doesn't mean we're not angry. We are angry at injustices done to us, those we love, and the planet. And it's how we use that anger that defines who we are.

We don't pick fights with corporate power and the wealthy elite because it's easy. We do it because the people and places we love are worth it. As Dolores Huerta said, "We must use our lives to make the world a better place to live, not just to acquire things. That is what we are put on the earth for."

Thanks for using your life to help make the world a better place to live Hugh - and enjoy retirement! CCI staff and members will continue to challenge corporate greed, speak truth to power, and build community with one another.

On another note, this will be our last weekly email (I think?) of the year. So please read on for ways to still take action in the coming weeks, and enjoy the holiday season coming up. Then let's get back at it in 2025. Onward.


Matthew Covington
Strategic Operations Director


Take action  

Dec. 16: Bayer wants to silence Iowans over Roundup concerns

In the 2024 legislative session a bill (SF 2412) was introduced that would remove the right of individuals to sue if they get sick from using glyphosate - commonly referred to as Roundup. Similar bills were introduced in other states including Idaho, Missouri, and Florida. While the bill did not pass in any state in 2024, we anticipate Bayer will wield their money and influence to try to get this bill passed in 2025.

Join Iowa CCI and Food & Water Watch on December 16 on Zoom at 6pm to learn more about this bill, where legislators stand, and how you can help challenge this proposed legislation! Info and RSVP here.

Iowa is second in the nation for incidence of cancer and the only state where rates are rising. When Bayer purchased Monsanto in 2018, it knew about the lawsuits that were being filed over the use of Roundup. This bill would shield a chemical company worth billions of dollars from accountability, while stripping away the rights of Iowans to sue for damages.

Read more about the issue from CCI Board Chair Barb Kalbach here

$120 million in home energy savings on the line!

As part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, over $120 million has been dedicated for Iowa to assist homeowners in making their homes more energy efficient and reduce their energy bills. The US Dept. of Energy informed Iowa of the program guidelines in July of 2023, but Iowa has yet to apply for the federal funds

Thanks to some sleuthing by CCI members and supporters, we've learned that Iowa's application for this program has been sitting on Gov. Reynolds' desk for nearly 4 months. This program would help Iowans by offering instant rebates to contractors and appliance outfitters for work on their homes or for the purchase of energy efficient appliances.

Iowa needs to act now. Please take a moment to call the Governor's office at 515-281-5211 and tell them we need to submit our application for the Home Energy Rebate program now so Iowans can take advantage of these rebates.

Reply to this email to let us know what you hear. And you can read more about this issue from CCI Board President Barb Kalbach here.


Deadline extended! Tell the EPA to force Iowa DNR to do its job, report the truth

Almost 500 of you have weighed in so far, thank you!!  If you haven't signed our letter to the EPA yet, you can do so here - then please share with others to help us send a strong message!

The deadline for comments has been extended to December 19. Read more on the issue here!

If impaired water segments are being left off the list, it creates misleading data that can be harmful to people and the environment. We need the Iowa DNR to be held to high standards and strong regulations.




JOY the Zine - Iowa CCI issues, members featured

Our program Public School Strong is the beneficiary of a new publication. JOY the Zine celebrates stories of everyday actions of joyful resistance. The current issue is all about democracy and features several Iowa CCI projects. Buy a copy or 4 and we get 100%!

Consider this little publication as gifts for the holiday or a reminder of all the ways to keep showing up for democracy in the new year. More information and ways to purchase here!


What We're Reading


These are a few links that are informing our work - we've shared them so that you can read, too!

  • New report shows 10 years of agriculture spills into Iowa waterways [Iowa Capital Dispatch]

  • Steve King says Summit threatened him for anti-pipeline speech [Cedar Rapids Gazette]

  • Oklahoma revoked this teacher's license for standing up against book bans. She's not backing down [Upworthy]

  • The wellness women are on the march [The Atlantic]

  • Nina Turner: for-profit health care is immoral [Jacobin]


This week in Iowa organizing…


This week in Iowa organizing…