This week in Iowa organizing…

Whether you spent time over the holidays with the people you love, traveled, rested, celebrated, filled your hearts and bellies - we hope 2024 closed out well for you and that you enter 2025 fired-up and ready to go!

Staff here at CCI had a good holiday break, and we're feeling clear and energized about where we're going and what we need to do for the people and places we love in 2025. We're excited, and glad to be in this important work with you.

So let's just get to it! The state legislative session will begin next week (so take a deep breath!), but before that there's still ways to take action and plug into the work. Let's do this!


Matthew Covington
Strategic Operations Director


Take action


The clock is ticking: $120 million in home energy savings on the line!

As part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, over $120 million has been dedicated for Iowa to assist homeowners in making their homes more energy efficient and reduce their energy bills. But Iowa has yet to apply for the federal funds

We learned that Iowa's application for this program has been sitting on Gov. Reynolds' desk for over 4 months - that ain't right. This program would help Iowans by offering instant rebates to contractors and appliance outfitters for work on their homes or for the purchase of energy efficient appliances.

Iowa needs to act now. Please take a moment to call the Governor's office at 515-281-5211 and tell them we need to submit our application for the Home Energy Rebate program now so Iowans can take advantage of these rebates.

Read more about this issue from CCI board member Barb Kalbach here

It's time for counties to pass the Master Matrix

County Supervisors can weigh in on factory farm construction in your communities - but only if they submit the Master Matrix resolution to the Iowa DNR between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31.

The resolution isn't the end-all fix we need, but is an important tool in our organizing. This permitting application can be used to stop or slow the growth of the factory farm industry.

Contact your County Supervisors today! Tell them to pass the Master Matrix resolution and submit it to the Iowa DNR between January 1 and January 31. Check out a sample of the resolution here.


Jan. 28: Public School Strong orientation

Despite the increasing attacks on public education by politicians and corporate actors with deep pockets, everyday Iowans know that strong public schools are a cornerstone of our communities and democracy. By organizing in our neighborhoods and at local school board meetings, we can create positive, common sense solutions to address the real issues our schools are facing.

That's why we're part of Public School Strong - a national movement of parents, teachers, students, and community members pushing for honest, equitable, safe, and fully-funded public education.

Be a part of the growing movement! Join our next orientation session on Tuesday, January 28 at 6pm over Zoom. More info and RSVP here.




Your comments heard - EPA maintains inclusion of 7 water segments on impaired list

500 of you added your name and comments on our letter to the U.S. EPA urging them to force the Iowa DNR to place 7 water segments to its impaired waterways list. Thank you!!

Over the holiday break, we received word that the overwhelming majority of comments were in favor of the EPA's action - and were from CCI members like you! The news will become official on Jan. 10 when the EPA publishes their report on the public comment period and their conclusions.

If impaired water segments are being left off the list, it creates misleading data that can be harmful to people and the environment. Thanks in large part to folks like you weighing in, the DNR's official list of impaired waterways will be accurate.


What We're Reading


These are a few links that are informing our work - we've shared them so that you can read, too!

  • Deportation: is there a "red line" for Iowa's public school districts? [Bleeding Heartland]

  • What to expect from the 2025 Iowa legislative session [Iowa Capital Dispatch]

  • Trump will overplay his hand. Be ready for when he does [Robert Reich]

  • 'It didn't use to be like this': woeful US healthcare system exposed by CEO killing [The Guardian]

  • You're probably getting screwed [J.D. Scholten]


This week in Iowa organizing…


This week in Iowa organizing…