Feb. 16: Lobby Day
We need you with us at the Statehouse on February 16th— a critical moment in the 2016 legislative session— to fight back against bad legislation, and make sure our People & Planet First bills make it out of committee before February 19th! We will also be taking the Bakken Pipeline fight directly to Branstad after CCI issued a vote of "no confidence" in the Iowa Utilities Board. Read more here. #nobakken
February 16, 2016
8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Meet at the Wallace Building | 502 E 9th St, Des Moines, IA 50319
8:30amCoffee/Registration – Wallace Building Auditorium
9:00amKickoff – Wallace Building Auditorium
9:40amMarch to Capitol
10:00amRally Prep in Legislative Dining Room
10:30amLobbying – Legislative Dining Room
12:00pmLunch – Cafeteria
12:45pmMeet in Cafeteria to head back to Wallace Building
1:00pmIssue Briefing – Wallace Building AuditoriumSenate District 16 – Pam Dearden Connor & Nate Boulton
3:00pmClosing/Debrief – Wallace Building Auditorium
We need YOU side-by-side with us to bring a strong message to the Capitol. It's up to us to make sure our voices are heard and insist on policies that put people and planet before profits, politics, and polluters.
We hope you can join us! Register today!Check out our People and Planet First 2016 legislative agenda.