All the caucus resolutions you've ever wanted

These resolutions have been prepared in the Democratic Party’s preferred caucus resolution format. We apologize for the 2 page (front/back) resolution style, but having prepared them in this manner assures you that you will not have to transcribe them again at your caucus location.If you plan on attending your Republican Caucus, the Iowa GOP has not demanded a specific format, and these resolutions will work for that as well.If you would like to introduce a resolution on an issue that you do not see here; please feel free to contact us and we will work with you to draft a resolution you may introduce. Call or email Adam at the CCI AF HQ: adam(at) on the resolution below for the PDF file!Water QualityRacial JusticePayday Interest Rate CapNo TPPLocal control factory farmsImmigration ReformFight for $15Factory Farm MoratoriumDrivers Licenses for allGet Big $ Out of Politics VOICENot sure about your caucus location? Click here for the Democratic caucuses & here for the Republic caucuses

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A play-by-play: Making Iowa History with the Fight for $15


Feb. 16: Lobby Day