CCI Action calls for Steve King to resign

ForImmediate Release: January 15, 2019

Formore information:   Adam Mason, State Policy Organizing Director,515-282-0484,

Members of Iowa CCI Action calling on racist, white supremacist Steve King to resign from office immediately


Steve King’s racist white supremacist worldview is not new and it is not a secret.  As Iowans we have become accustomed to writing King off as an embarrassment to our state. But King’s comments are not merely offensive; his worldview is dangerous, and he is trying to make it a reality.

We as Iowans are committed to standing up against hate, standing up against white supremacy, and standing up against religiously and racially motivated violence and those who promote these evils. That is why we confronted King at a campaign event in Des Moines.

Thisis a moral issue and a wakeup call. Many in politics and our government havespent years turning a blind eye to King’s explicit white supremacist worldviewfor their own profit and political gain. In this moment, denouncing King andhis racist white supremacist agenda is not nearly enough. Now is the time forIowa Governor Kim Reynolds, Senator Joni Ernst, and Senator Chuck Grassley, whohave cozied up to King in the past, to join us in calling for King to resignfrom office immediately.

Members of Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement Action Fund



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