This week in Iowa organizing…

Last week was a victory for people power, plain and simple.

Hundreds flocked to the capitol on the day subcommittees were held on the Governor’s AEA overhaul and a proposal to reclassify the rights of transgender Iowans as a disability. The people’s voices were heard – that day and in the days leading up through phone calls, emails and more.

Whereas the Senate voted Reynolds’ AEA overhaul out of subcommittee, the House did not, stating that they would not move the bill forward as is at this time. And the proposal to strip gender identity from Iowa’s Civil Rights law failed to move forward out of subcommittee.

But Governor Reynolds is not done with her crusade to consolidate power and the state of Iowa under her misguided vision. One day after this setback, she introduced a bill to force transgender Iowans to be otherized by listing their sex designated at birth on their birth certificates and government-issued IDs.

We believe in an Iowa where people from all backgrounds, identities, abilities and political affiliations have an opportunity to succeed, thrive, and feel welcomed in their communities. And, while we welcome discussions and tough conversations, we agree with One Iowa Director Courtney Reyes when she says the Governor should “start focusing on things that matter: funding our schools, lowering our cancer rates, and cleaning up our water.”

Reynolds may think that by dividing us she can conquer us. We’re not buying it. We all benefit from fully-funded public schools, a government that works for and is responsive to the public over corporate greed, and yeah – clean water.

Last week reaffirmed that people power works. And there's ample opportunities over the coming weeks to continue raising our voices. So let’s keep at it. Thank you.


Matthew Covington
Strategic Operations Director


At the Statehouse

Let's talk about pipelines

Lawmakers will continue to determine the fate of what policy proposals move forward after the first legislative funnel on February 16, so let's finally talk about those pesky CO2 pipelines!

Last week, you likely heard the news - POET will join Summit Carbon Solutions, connecting the proposed project to 12 additional ethanol plants across the state. That would mean more destruction of land, more extraction of water, and more abuse of eminent domain. Two bills have been introduced that would help stop and slow Summit Carbon Solutions.

Senate File 2097 would put a moratorium on CO2 pipelines until safety rules are finalized, protects county ordinances, requires pipelines to be 8 feet deep, and includes a 90% threshold before eminent domain can be used.

House Study Bill 608 would allow 21 members of the Iowa House or 11 members of the Iowa Senate to file a petition to pause eminent domain proceedings. To override it would take a 60% vote in both chambers. Also, the bill would allow affected landowners to expedite their cases in court. This bill passed out of sub-committee last Wednesday with a unanimous vote.

Navigator pulled their project due to public pressure, and Summit's project has been delayed is because of sustained public opposition. Let's keep it up -  email your Senator and Representative today urging them to pass this legislation.


Take action  

Today: Take action for housing in Dubuque!

City leaders in Dubuque have a choice coming up soon - maintain the status quo, or prepare for the future and ensure better housing conditions for our community.

Dubuque currently has 3.75 equivalent full time inspectors to oversee 15,000+ rental units. Additional housing and rental units are on the rise and that ratio could get even worse.

That's why Dubuque city leaders should move to hire two additional housing inspectors to meet the backlog of the present and be prepared for the future. So today, February 5, we're going to city council and tell them just that! Let us know if you can join!


This Saturday, Feb. 10: what is 'People Powered Politics'?

At CCI Action, we do politics differently, but what do we mean when we say that?

Join us for a training to dig-in together on what we really mean when we talk about movement politics, movement candidates, and co-governing, and how we build our power through elections and endorsements. To be the strongest organization we can be, we need to make sure we share not just language, but ideals and goals. And a plan to win.

  • What: People-Powered Politics Training (lunch provided)

  • When: Saturday, February 10th; 10:00AM-4:00PM

  • Where: CCI Office, 2001 Forest Ave, Des Moines

  • Why: To get ourselves clear on what movement politics is, why we do it, and how we use elections as tools to build our people power.

Save your spot! Click here to join us on Feb. 10!


Feb. 14: we love clean water and we're gonna show it!

Will you join us Feb 14 for a day of action to protect Iowa's water from CO2 pipelines and factory farms? RSVP here.

We’re going to two DNR meetings this Valentine’s Day:

Natural Resource Commission Meeting

  • When: February 14th, 9:30 AM

  • Where: Wallace Building - 502 E 9th St, Des Moines, IA 50319

  • Why: Summit Carbon Solutions wants water permits that would use an estimated half a billion gallons of water per year. The Natural Resource Commission (NRC) is the “citizen voice” to protect and manage our natural resources. We need them to take a stand on this issue.

Factory Farm Rulemaking Public Hearing

  • When: February 14th 1:30 - 3:30 PM

  • Where: Wallace Building - 502 E 9th St, Des Moines, IA 50319

  • Why: We need stronger rules and regulations to protect our water from factory farms! The Environmental Protection Commission is working on completing updated rules for factory farms in Iowa but their most recent draft walks back on small improvements and ignores key problems. Join us to stand up for our right to clean water!

For a more detailed schedule of the day’s events and to RSVP click here. If you can’t join us the day of please add your name to our letter to NRC Chair Marcus Branstad.


Also Feb. 14: join us for treats and thank-you calls

We are looking for volunteers to help us spread some love on Valentine's Day - Wednesday, February 14!

We're holding a Thank-A-Thon phone bank from 1-6 PM at our office in Des Moines. Come by for some sweet treats, socialize with staff and other volunteers, and help us make calls to show our appreciation for the people who make CCI such a powerful force for good!

These will be easy calls to thank folks that have been involved with CCI recently. We had some great conversations last year! A thank you without an ask is a good call to receive. Whether you only have time for a treat and a couple of calls, or want to hang out with us all afternoon, we would love to see you on the 14th!

To RSVP, or if you have any questions, please give us a call at (515)255-0800 or email kim(at) (This helps make sure we have enough snacks for everyone.) If you want to help out but can’t make it in to the office, reach out and we can talk about remote options! 

Feb. 15: No CO2 pipelines in Floyd or Mitchell counties!

CO2 pipelines are a new and unproven technology being pushed by already wealthy, greedy corporations. They’re dangerous to our health, communities, and the environment - and are threatening to take Iowan’s land for private gain.

Join CCI members and local residents for an informational meeting about the proposed CO2 pipelines in Mitchell and Floyd counties and discuss how we can take action to protect our communities from pipeline profiteers!

We'll be meeting at the South Square in St. Ansgar on Thursday, Feb. 15 at 6pm. Register here to join us

Last call for comments on factory farms!

This month the Iowa Environmental Protection Commission is finalizing updated rules for factory farms in Iowa. But the current draft walks back on small improvements and ignores key issues like:

  • Closing the LLC Loophole to prevent factory farms from skirting around permitting laws

  • Developing a public database for factory farm Manure Management Plans to be submitted online and readily available to the public

  • Increasing the separation distance from factory farms and karst terrain to at least 25 feet

Here’s two ways you can take action to stand up for our water and say NO to factory farms:

Submit a comment to the EPC!
We need stronger rules and regulations to protect our water from factory farms! Take 5 minutes to send in your comment here.

Attend the virtual rulemaking public hearing!
When: Monday, February 19, from 1:30-3:30pm.
Where: Virtual. attend via phone or computer on Zoom.
How: RSVP to join us here.




Who passed the Master Matrix?

DNR’s final data shows 82 counties passed and submitted the Master Matrix resolution. The Master Matrix resolution can be used to stop or slow the factory farm industry.

Don’t see your county highlighted but know they submitted it to Kelli at the DNR? Email to ask for an update on any snail mail stragglers. The following counties told the DNR that they won’t use the Master Matrix this year: Benton, Davis, Keokuk, O’Brien, Plymouth, and Wapello. Thank you everyone for contacting your county supervisors! 

Water testing with Nitrate Watch

Interest in citizen driven water testing continues to grow, as does the partnership between Iowa CCI and Izaak Walton League's Nitrate Watch. Information about the program and how to order a test kit can be found by clicking this link. 

Winter is a good time for testing tap water from public utilities and private wells. It is also a good time to work on a monitoring plan for testing outdoors after the thaw. Nitrate Watch has this great worksheet you can use to create your plan.

Please join us to test water, collect data, and get loud about the water quality issue in Iowa! We won't stop until Iowa gets the clean water we pay for and deserve.


What We're Reading


These are a few links that are informing our work - we've shared them so that you can read, too!

  • Hinson needs to get on board with COOL (by CCI member Berleen Wobeter) [Cedar Rapids Gazette]

  • Cancer in the corn belt sparks actions to fight farm chemical contamination [The New Lede]

  • Why we're fighting to protect our AEAs (by CCI member Barb Kalbach) [Iowa Starting Line]

  • 'Make money by denying care': new US rules aim to curb use of approval by private health insurances [The Guardian]

  • Farm biogas projects should not get Biden climate money [Reuters]

  • Fresh Air Weekend: Ava DuVernay on 'Origin' [NPR]


This week in Iowa organizing…


This week in Iowa organizing…